Slave To Sex - Episode 1

Slave To Sex - Episode 1

Published أغسطس 23, 2024




It all started in secondary school. Yeah when I was in ss2. I was schooling in a boarding school that was made for girls alone (single s3x school) .

Before my ss2 I use to be a very good and intelligent girl. Of course nobody will take about being well mannered in the school without mentioning my name but as it is said “Bad communication corrupt good manner”

I made friends with the big girls in school. Those that there father are wealthy and they dnt even care of about education talk less of being well mannered

At first it didn’t affect me. I go to class regularly and also maintained my good behavior but at a time I started lacking behind

Urge for se-x is a normal thing for every human being but not being able to control yourself when it comes is just bad

How mine started was a thing I will never forget. We finished class for the day and we(me and my newly made friends) g-anged up in one of our rooms usual to catch fun and to mock some of the teachers as usual when one the girls brought out a phone

We were surprised because it was a huge offense to bring in a phone inside the school. How she was able to smuggle the phone in was what I still dnt know because everyone was searched thoroughly because entering the school gate

No one cared to ask her how she did it because everyone one of us knows that Bella is a very bad girl. She always had a way out of everything. Not that everyone of us are not bad but the devil kingdom always have a leader. When it comes to where Bella is, am a saint

All the girls , including me were struggling for the phone because all of us have not touched a phone for months. Bella was just laughing at us seeing us struggle with a phone we dnt even know the password to unlock . She later collected the phone and told us she has something to show us. Everyone of the girls where so curious to know what it was judging with the way she was saying it

She opened the video folder of the phone and clicked on a video. At first I thought it was wrestling because I saw x but behold it was P0rn . None of the girls could say anything because nobody will deny she had not watched p0rn before so everyone just kept calm and watched

All the scene of the po-rn video did not affect me. It was if was watching a normal movie but not until the guy started svcking the girl’s pussycat. This part really got my nip-ple hard . I was not myself again. Not only, all the girls were also catching the feeling. Even Bella was touching her bre-ast in a romantic way. That night I fingered my pus--sy like never before. I spent half of the night mast_rbating.

From that day onwards we always ganged up not to gist and gossip as usual but to watch p0rn . We even download more p0rn and watched on daily basis. It was gradually becoming a habit for us . Every suggestion from any of the girls to stop the act will be stopped by Bella because she so much liked it. She even suggested we stop masturb_ating and find a real stuff. Yeah real stuff that’s what she called it

Me🗣️ Bella what so you mean by real stuff

Bella🗣️ A d|ck of course (all the girls made a surprise look immediately she said this)

Me🗣️ And how can u get that when this is a girl school

Bella🗣️ Keep calm and see how I do it😋

We all gave each other a confused look. What could this girl be upto ?? How will she fulfill her claims??

We finished lesson the next day and I went straight to my room and sat down on my little bed. All that happened last night just came to my mind immediately

Will Bella ever fulfill her claim?? If so, how will she do that. Anyways I trust Bella so much she can go to any height to see that she fulfilled what she said. Bella is just one person that have thing go the way she wants. It was works like magic, Boom!!! All her plans work out perfectly

I made to lie down but remembered immediately that she (Bella) told us to gather in her room after class that day. . She was not elected but nobody need to tell you that she is the queen leader of our gang.

I didn’t have much strength in me but I had to go in other not to miss the proposed fun or will I call it upcoming fun

Bella🗣️ Girls I have done it ( Bella said making some movement like a boss lady)

How? When? Where is it?? How come? Where are they..They girls where just kil-ling Bella with different questions. I was not excluded because it was just confusing 😕.. She said she have done it but we didn’t see any boy

Bella🗣️ Assemble in my room this night..only then will All this question will be answered. And look! All of you should wear something sexy when coming..

None of the girls said anything. Everyone just left the room one after the other , maybe going to prepare for the surprise package

We all assembled as instructed still expecting the surprise package..

Bella 🗣️ Follow me girls.. We followed her as she headed to the school gate.. The surprise look in our face could no longer be hidden. I could not hold myself, I was for§ced to ask her where we are going to

Me🗣️ Bella where are you talking us to??

Bella 🗣️ just keep calm and follow my lead

She just reached to gate and whispered to the gate man’s ear and he let us pass through the small gate . This also came as a surprise to all the girls including me

After we left the school gate bella just led us to a small house very close to the school. Right in front of the door I saw 5 footwears and it was not a female footwear so I didn’t need a prophet to tell me there are five boys In the room

Come in!! Was what we heard immediately we knocked on the door showing they were already waiting for us. We opened the door and came in, immediately the boys grabbed us like a hungry lion

The one that held me was so naughty. The way he grabbed my a§s and brea§t immediately got Me really tripping. He unhooked my bra and suvked my breast in a way that got me really horn-y. I planted a deep ki-ss on his lips butvit seems he was not interested in the k-iss. He disconnected his lips from mine and made for my brea§st again. This time removing my pant in the process . He finger my pus--sy as he suck=ed my bre=ast. He seems to me more comfortable with su-cking me. He made for my pus==sy and suc==ked it deeply. I couldn’t do anything than to mo=an helplessly. .

He concluded it by sliding his d!ck slowly inside my pu-ssy. I mo=aned louder this time . He didn’t f-ck me for long before he c-ummed. He was so careful not to cu-m inside my pussy . We were all done.. Yeah we have gotten the real stuff just as Bella called it😛…. Now it was time to get Back to school before we get ourselves into trouble. Just hope we don’t get caught….


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