Amaka the Lesbian - Episode 42 & 43

Amaka the Lesbian - Episode 42 & 43

Last updated September 26, 2024




“Hian, is that one the problem? See nne, I am ready to do anything for you, my delicious wa-ist. I will give you money and more money, until you get tired of it, as for the chlamydia, don’t worry yourself, it’s harmless, a couple of antibiotics will do the trick, I will also take mine and make sure your Aunty does same too, ighotago? Am deeply sorry for everything, I can’t wait to get back and eat you, I have not been myself since we left” We finished and I ended the call with a smile, then turned to leave and came face to face with Ada, she was standin with her hands akimbo, staring at me with shock on her face.

“Amaka ooo, I have caught you today. Ehen, I knew it! There was something very fishy about the way your uncle treats you, no wonder you use the most expensive phones, wear designers and even gold earrings, your Uncle is banging you…” I made to pass her, but she blocked my path, clapped her hands and continued talking, “not so fast, am not done yet, I wonder what dad and mum would say when they find out about this” As she kept talking and trying to make me break in guilt and be at her mercy, but I wasn’t moved at all, I knew whàt she wanted, she has realy missed my l-ips on her, she wasn’t going to expose me but then, I couldn’t risk it, my uncle and her father (the pastor) are my surest tickets to a better life for my siblings and I, there was no way I was going to leave loose ends untied, mbanu, “Ada, ozugo, it’s enough, what do you want? Is it money or any of my clothes? Because, I know this will only turn into a big time blackmail from you” she threw her head back and laughed at me with reckless abandon, “which mumu money and clothes? Amaka, you know what I want, stop pretending. If you want this to forever be between us, then do what I want and it’s sealed”

“Madam, I don’t know what you want, am not in your mind to know, just hit the nail on the head and stop sounding like I banged your father, haba” she laughed again, “you know my daddy is the last person on earth that would stoop so low, not only is he a pastor, but he loves my mum madly, he would never ever think of cheating on her, not to think of with someone the same age with his daughter…” I shook my head at her, if only she knew how trapped her ‘glorious’ daddy is in my v—-a, “okay, since you claim not to know, I want us to be lovers again like we used to be, but this time, money won’t be involved anymore, I don’t have any money to give you and am never going to steal from my parents again, because…” ” it’s okay, I accept, let me know when you want it” I cut in. “Now, now is when I want it, you don’t know how starved I have been since you abandoned me, I have tried all sorts of objects but none has been able to cratch it the way your tongue and fingers does” “we can’t do it now, your mum is around, what if she catches us again?” I asked her, then she said, don’t worry, she’s in a meeting with some church people and it àlways last for hours, my siblings are playing with your sister in the front, this is just the best time for us, I know it’s not going to be a one time thing, but conjy is a b—–d, I need it now, please ”

She finished, dragged my hand and we both walked upstairs. I have to look for a way to make this a one time thing, I said to myself, if it continues and we get caught again, it won’t be nice at all, besides, I can’t cope with doing five people at the same time. My uncle, my auntie, sister Margaret and her husband, the junior pastor, now her daughter has joined the list again, no no no, I won’t be able to handle it and keep up the secrets for so long. With Ada in the picture again, things might get really messy and I wasn’t ready for that, I have not even seen my brothers yet, I can’t jeopardize it at all, I really, really have to look for a way, kai. When we got to the room, she quickly locked the door and grabbed me, I looked at her eyes and they were already half çlosed, conjy has truly dealt with her like she said, I almost lauged, but I didn’t want her to think I was enjoying it, so I held myself.

We k-ssed for a while, then got on the bed, I wanted to continue k-ssing her but she removed her mouth and pushed my head down, and I obeyed, as I raised her gown to get to her p-nt, the most horrible smell I have ever perceived in my life, hit my nose with reckless abandon and I got dizzy “mhhhmmm”.


As I raised her gown to get to her p-nt, the most horrible smell I have ever perceived in my life, hit my nose with reckless abandon and I got dizzy “mhhhmmm” Usain Bolt had no speed, compared to the speed I used in getting up and moving far away from her, with my right hand on my nose. She sat up, looking confused, the h—y expression on her face had disappeared. “Amaka, what happened? Why did you distance yourself with your hand on your nose, like am smelling or something?” I thought about the situation for a moment. I knew if I lied to her, then I would have to still s-ck her or give her a very convincing reason for refusing to s-ck her, I had no choice, but to say the truth, and save myself the horrific experience.

“Ada, your v—-a smells so terrible, I don’t know how to explain the smell but it’s something I never ever wish to encounter again. I used to s-ck you before, but I have never perceived such from you. Is it that you don’t wash properly or what? I don’t get it” she looked so downcast, for the first time since I met her, she avoided my eyes, while she spoke, “I noticed it few weeks ago, after I started using cuc-mber on myself, it wasn’t this much, it only grew with time. I have used soap to wash it very well and I also pour water in,side and use my fingers to clean it out from the in,side, I thought it has stopped, because it no longer leaves dirty stains on my p-nt, like it used to. I even went as far as spraying perfume on it, so that it will smell nice, I don’t know what else to do, I feel so ashamed of myself right now” she finished and burst into tears.

I looked at her and saw a helpless child, she wasn’t like this before, it was all my fault, out of my quest to pay back sister Margaret for what she did to me, I damaged her daughter, I allowed anger consume me and now, she’s paying for it. Our age difference is just 2 months, but I am more experienced than she is, life has really thought me how to take care of myself and remain strong. I sat close to her and held her hands, “listen, Ada, tears won’t help you right now, you don’t have to be ashamed of yourself, you are just ignorant of a wh0le lot of things” I wiped her tears and continued, “first of all, you have to do away with cuc-mber and learn how to fight your s€×ual urge, don’t allow youthful exuberance to consume you, the most important body weapon you have as a woman, is your v—-a, and you are too young to have a damaged v—-a walls, due to lack of self control” she nodded.

“You use soap and perfume to make it smell nice, which is wrong, The v—-a has a good self-cleaning protocol, to keep it’s pH in balance and keep things in order. But when you use soap or douches or feminine hygiene washes, you might wind up with even more problems bigger than the one you already have, like burning or irritation, it will start to decay, the skin there is super sensitive, stop dipping your finger in,side and pouring water into it, to wash it out, like you said, use ordinary water to wash your v—a, you don’t even need to wash your actual v—-a. Let it clean itself in peace, please! Starting from tonight, look for garlic, peel of the layers and properly wash it, then get a needle and thread, pierce it and pass the thread through it, in form of pendant and necklace, then ins**t it into your v—-a, let the thread drop out, as that would make it easy for you to pull it out in the morning, do this for three nights. I will give you money to go and buy Augmentin, 1gram, you will drink it one per day, to kill any infection you have from the in,side. You will be fine, if you follow my advise” she nodded and replied, “thank you so much, I will do exactly as you said, as if you know my mum would ask me what I need the money for, if I had gone to ask her…”

“Adaa, Adaaa o, where’s this girl?….” it was sister Margaret and she was getting closer, she must not catch us in such a complicating situation. “I will hide in the bathroom, while you quickly unlock the door and rush back to bed, act like you are sleeping, if she finds the door locked, she will suspect something and search the room” I finished and ran into the bathroom, while she got up to unlock the door.

To be continued…

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