Amaka The Lesbian - Episode 33 & 34

Amaka The Lesbian - Episode 33 & 34

Last updated 9月 26, 2024





“Okay, sir. Goodnight” I got up, picked up my shirt dress, wore it and walked out, with a huge smile on my face. When I got to the room that they gave to my sister and I, the door was slightly ajar, my mind skipped and I rushed into the room, I saw my sister sitting at the edge of the bed, with a worried expression, kai, “Nne, what happened? Why are you awake by this time?” “Is it not you?

I woke up and looked for you but you were gone, as usual. Where do you always go to sef? Even back at the house, you are always disappearing. One time, I snuck out and followed you, but you didn’t know, I saw you whispering in the dark with Uncle, the way he was holding you sef, like you were his wife. I see everything happening, but pretend not to. Later, you will say you are not having s€× with him. Now again, you snuck out while I was sleeping, only God knows what you went to do…” I was speechless, it felt like I lost control of my tongue, I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out.

How do I convince her that I wasn’t having s3x with my uncle or anyone, when it was what I was really doing? I kept thinking of a possible lie to cook up but I couldn’t find any. Then I said, “I guess I should just open up to you, finally. I was keeping it all from you because I didn’t want you feeling bad or worried, but due to this misconception you are beginning to have about me, I have no other choice than…” “Amy” she cut in… “you know you are the only one I know and have in life, I don’t want you to get into trouble or for anything bad to happen to you, please, tell me what’s really going on. I know am still young but some of my classmates that are older than I am, know what a man and woman do in the bedroom or in the dark and they always discuss it in clàss, so that was when I started suspecting you were sleeping with Uncle. Don’t see me as a child, please. I will be 12 years old next month, tèll me the truth” she finished, with tears in her eyes.

Kai, I felt so bad that I wasn’t going to tell her the truth. Who would even dare? She was only suspecting but not certain yet, it was up to me to erase that thought from her head, so I embraced her and began my lie, “The truth is that I am not sleeping with Uncle or anyone, I have been sneaking around at midnight to meet uncle, to talk about our brothers, you know am fighting to bring them to Lagos, so we will all be together…” she tried to talk, but I told her to hold on and listen, then I continued…”Aunty is just pretending to care about us, but when she’s with Uncle, she will tell him to hate us and stop treating us good, she even warned him not to ever bring bobo and kelechi to lagos, that’s why there has been delay, if not, they would have been here since. We chose to only talk about it at midnight when Aunty is sleeping, to avoid causing problems between them, you know she’s a trouble maker.

That woman is evil and heartless and I hate her so much. Stop thinking am sleeping with her husband, yuck! That’s the last thing I will do, me that is keeping my V-rginity for my husband” her face lit up and she said “Am so happy to hear this now. I have been so worried and scared that you were doing bad things and might get caught. I don’t want to go back to that woman’s place, I really suffered in that house, I thought I was going to die. But na wa for Aunty o, so she’s a bad person but will be acting like she likes us. Last week, she said my b—–s has started to come out that she will buy b-ra very soon for me and she is always hugging me sef”

“Eeh? b-ra… hugging you… hian. Biko, how does she hug you? Tell me how she does it and other places she touches you. Because, she hærdly hugs you in my presence” I said, with panic ridden voice, I was beginning to shake when she said, “She doesn’t really touch me much, except when she hugs me. Most times, it’s when she sees me sitting alone in the parlour, she will just tell me to give her a hug, then k-ss me here…” she pointed to her cheek… “I don’t even like hugging sef, she smells somehow, I was only suffering the hug because I thought she likes us, but now that I know otherwise, I will not hug her again, not even to greet her” I heaved a sigh of relief and replied “No ooo, you don’t have to change towards her at all, since she’s only pretending to like us, let us also pretend to like her too. Greet her normally when you see her, hug her when she ask for it but be very fast about it, if she does anything or touches any part of your body that you don’t like, tell me immediately, not just her, anybody, even uncle or in school, okay?” She nodded, “you mean like my b—–s or my peepee?” I proceeded to explain to her about her privates and how it’s not only guys that molest girls, even young girls and grown ups do so too, to their fellow girls. She listened to me for a while and dozed off, so I covered her up and laid beside her.

That was when I had the time to think about the pastor and what we had just done..


That was when I had the time to think about the pastor and what we had just done. I wondered how a junior pastor of a very popular church, was able to knack me like a p–n actor. No one has dealt with me sweetly, like he did, the wh0le thing was more than sweet, out of this world sweet. For the first time in my life, I really enjoyed it with reckless abandon and wished he was married to me, I couldn’t believe the s-nsation I was having in between my legs, I needed more of him, it was supposed to be a one time thing, but I couldn’t sleep. I kept replaying the wh0le scenario in my head, the nibbling, licking, twists and positions, with his massive cuc-mber, kai, my uncle’s own doesn’t even meet up to half of his, ‘hmmm, I think am going to keep this one’ I whispered to myself, even if it means becoming a constant church goer and taking it upon myself to clean his office in church, I don’t mind, but before all that, I decided to make good use of the little time we had in his house.


Meanwhile, a confused junior pastor was lying beside his lovely busty wife (Margaret) thinking about what he had just done with a girl old enough to be his daughter. He wondered what he would do, if he caught another man sleeping with his teenage daughter, the mere thought turned his intestines and he felt like puking. He knew what he did was wrong, but it felt so good. All the years he had slept with his wife, it never felt this good. It was always the usual missionary style and no spice at all. She would lay there like a log of wood, while he makes some in and out movement for two minutes and that’s the end, she doesn’t even allow him touch her b—–s or down there, no room for forepl-y, sometimes, she insists on praying before they make love, and he pretends to be cool with it, because he’s a pastor that is not supposed to reject prayer, no matter when it comes.

He likes the fact that his wife is a born again, but she’s over doing it, he longs for more flavour and excitement in the bedroom, not the boring type he had been subjected to, all because he’s a pastor. He heaved a sigh and thanked God for bringing him a fresh, innocent, sweet package, that would make him feel young and vibrant again. And to think the poor girl has been relieving herself all these while, with her fiñgers, while he had been wallowing in abject unsatisfactory s3x, from his over born again wife. He refused to acknowledge that he was wrong, instead, he justified it by feeling he only helped the girl cure her urge, than allow her go out there to meet one of those good for nothing little boys that will mess up her life. Before he slept, he made up his mind to properly counsel her later in the day.


I woke up by 10 am, surprised that they didn’t wake me for morning prayers, but my sister told me the pastor said they should allow me to sleep, that they will put me in prayer, I smiled and went into the bathroom, I quickly had my shower, dressed up and went downstairs. I saw Margaret and her husband, studying the bible, “good morning, ma. Good morning, sir” they both answered with smiles on their faces, I smiled back and stepped into the kitchen to take my breakfast. As it was the routine in their house, breakfast is prepared very early and served, then we all go into the kitchen to take our share.

I was in the room, sleeping with my sister, when sister Margaret woke me up and told me to meet her husband downstairs that he wants to talk to me, “he said he wants to give you some counselling, he had a dream about you last night, he told me about it and it wasn’t good at all. When he’s done with you, come and meet me in the bedroom, there’s something I would like to discuss with you” I nodded and went to meet her husband….

To be continued.. .

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