Mara The Lesbian - Episode 9

Mara The Lesbian - Episode 9

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Published tháng 7 02, 2024





Episode 9

“Please….you’re hurting me…” mo-ned the boss daughter as the gate man was busy giving her angle style( dipping the d*ck to the corner)

  The gate man paid attention to the p*ssy watching it how it was producing some white items.

 His d*ck was oiled with cream including the balls cos balls were hitting between her ass and the cream therefore was flowing down between the w¡den ars passing along the arsh-le to the floor.

 “Wow i like that……” Said the gate man while still viewing the p*ssy.

 He removed the d*ck,rub up the flowing cream back into the p*ssy and continued.

 Five minutes later,the gate man released in,side making the boss daughter mo-ning louder,”Oooooo…!” Cos she felt sweet as gate man’s blood was going allover the body.

“Excuse me…” Said the daughter while standing on the floor.

 The gate man moved back watching her getting the bareback from the floor.

  He also fixed his eyes on her assh-le as she was bending to get the clothes.

“Are you upset?” Asked the gate man,as she was wearing the bareback.

 She looked at him.

“Forget it…..just leave the house now” replied the boss daughter while going upstairs.

 Gate man sighted behind her.

“Take care baby…..” Said the gate man.

She looked back once and disappeared to her bedroom.

The gate man walked out of the house smiling.


 After done applying lotion,i got the pad under the bed,opened it and wore it to stop some blood dripping from my paining p*ssy.

  After wearing the pad,i dressed the tracksuit,combed my hair and sprayed perfume allover my clothes.

  In no time,i heard the car engine outside.

I rushed to the window,shifted the curtain and peeped out

“My aunty is here..” I said to myself while rushing to the sitting room.

 I quickly sat on the sofa quietly.

“Hello baby….” Said my aunty while opening the door.

I looked at her and smiled.

“Aunty……”i ran after her,hugged her and we both sat on the sofa.

 She looked into my eyes

“You look little bit scared mara…” She said while placing her left hand on my shoulder.

My heart skipped some beats.

“I slept alone aunty…..i thought something bad has happen to you..” I lied.

 She still looked into my eyes without blinking.

“Mara….your eyes were white and now they’re red…what is it” said my aunty.

 I looked up and down thinking what to reply

“Someone slept with girl….” Thought my aunty as she was waiting the answer.

 I took a deep breath and let go the fears

“Am sick….am attending my monthly period” i lied again.

 My aunty smoothed out the smile

“No…..” She couched,”mara…am like your big sister…i know lots of things than what you think…look at me” she asked and i did, “just tell me what really happened…” She said while looking into my eyes.

“Can i tell my aunty….” I thought in just some seconds.


“Yes aunty…”

“Are you okay” she said after seen my hand poking my neck.


“What do you mean no…yes?”

“Aunty am sorry..”

“For what..?”

I squeezed my head.

“It is your…”

“My what?”


“Yes what about him..?”

 She lied back to the sofa and folded the arms on the chest waiting the answer.

“He is the one that….” My aunt’s phone rang.

“Hold on..” She stop me.

She pulled the phone from handbag

“Hello…” The caller started.

“Yes what is it…” Said my aunt

“Am sorry….” Said the caller.

 She placed the finger on mouthpiece,”mara go to your bed first..”

 I quickly went to my bedroom.

“Are you there…?” Asked the caller.

“Yes…what is it..?” Replied my aunt.

“Mara called me last night and she asked about you…she was sounding little bit scared..” Said the caller.

“Yeah….i know” said my aunty.

“Is she fine?”

My aunty thought for a while

“Yes….she is just fine” she lied.

“Ok…i will see you soon”

“Ok baby” said my aunt.

And the caller ended the call.

My aunty dropped the phone on the laps and began to think deeper as a intelligent lady.

After she done thinking,she called me


“Yes aunt..”

I quickly rushed out of the room


“Am here aunty” i said while emerging out of the passage.

She looked me coming..

“Come and sit here”

 I surely sat next to her.

As i was sitting,my heart was beating faster.

“Can i take you to the hospital?”

“Jesus…” I thought.

“Mara am talking to you…you seem to have malaria..”

“No…i will be fine” i replied.

“Ok..” She stood up,”go and prepare breakfast” she said while going to her bedroom.

“Thank God…” I said while going to the kitchen.

 As my aunty was opening the door,she saw some blo0d stains on the passage

“This is strange….but i will find out…” Said my aunty while entering in the bedroom.



Uncle jonah’s POV

“I have to make mara k!ll her aunty” he thought.

To be Continued.

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