Mara The Lesbian - Episode 18

Mara The Lesbian - Episode 18

Published يوليو 22, 2024







GATEMAN POV(point of view)

“Ok mum….then am going to my room” the daughter said.

“Alright….” The mother replied.

And the daughter went to the bedroom thinking about the blood she saw stained on the floor.

“Since when my mother used a lazor blade to cut the nails?” She asked herself as she was sitting on the bed facing to the dressing mirror.

“Hey…how careless i can be….that i couldn’t notice the blo-od on the floor..let me go and mop” the mother said to herself.

She truly went downstairs and mopped the blood.

A week later, the gateman has been sleeping with the boss’ wife every night right in his small house.

And also he f-cked the daughter every day during day time.

 Both the mother and the daughter loved the fitting size of gateman d*ck.

 So one evening after gateman gave the boss’ wife four rounds in bed in all sort of styles, the boss wife however promised him big things like cars and houses.

“I will do anything for you if you continue blowing up my pressure like this..” The boss wife promised while rubbing the hand on gateman’s 6 packs.

 The gateman looked into her eyes and said, “are you sure you can do anything for me..?” The gateman asked.

“See..just mention it and i will do it” the boss wife said.

The gateman thought for a while and faced her.

“I want you to be my wife….i have been admiring you for too long…please we belong to each other and not that old man” the gateman said.

He k-ssed her on the forehead.

“That simple thing….but how will it happen…am married” said the boss’ wife.


“Hold on…..i can hear the car outside..” The boss’ wife stood up, peeped out and sighted the gateman.

“Hey…..this must be the husband…don’t open the door until i go to the house” she said and dashed to the mansion.

 When she disappeared to the mansion, the gateman went to open the gate while yawning.

“Hey….so you sleep on duty..” The boss said after adjusting the mirror.

“No sir….am having malaria…” The gateman lied.

“Anyway…close the gate” the boss drove in.

And the gateman closed the door while staring the car.

“I must make that woman to ride on this foolish old man….” The gateman said to himself while seeing the boss going to the mansion with briefcase in hand.

Next day, it was around 1pm when the gateman was f-cking the daughter now.

 Both parents were at work.

The daughter came back home from school at breaktime just because of missing the d*ck and style.

After they were done, the gateman again asked the daughter.

“Hey….i want to marry you cos you’re suit to be my wife….but i don’t have enough money to take care of you.. And your parents can’t agree” the gateman said.

The daughter smiled.

“I have been to hear that from you….am tired of school and i want a man like you to build the family with good kids..” Said the daughter.

“So what about money..?” Gateman asked.

“I have a plan…come closer i whisper” and the gateman moved his head closer to her and she whispered the plan.

“Yeah…that beautiful plan…so when will be that?” Gateman asked between smiles.

“Any day…i have to prepare..” The daughter promised.

And after discussing, the gateman f-cked her the fourth round which lasted about 19 minutes.

“Wow….but i can sweat” gateman said as he removed the d*ck from the daughter’s p*ssy.

“Mmm today you’re too strong…you almost killed me especially when you were squeezing my b-obs and my ass..i couldn’t even move my body..” The daughter was talking while dressing up.

“Wow…you too sweet…i think our first born will be a baby boy” the gateman joked.

“Haha stop that……” The daughter laughed.

And then she left the gateman’s small house.

When she went to her room, she thought about what she whispered to gateman then smiled as she brought out the idea.

“Yes……i have to go and buy the items now” the daughter jumped as she imagined living in the same house with gateman like husband and wife.

And the boss’ wife who was in the office also planned on how to get ride of the husband.

“Yes…i must act fast about this..i have to do it tonight” she said.

5 hours past, they all returned from work(husband and wife)

And the wife before going home, she went to a certain shop and bought some drugs and rushed home.

 When she reached home, she went to the kitchen, cooked foods and prepared them.

“Hun the food is ready….” The wife called.

And the husband came over to the table.

“Where is my daughter?” The husband asked.

“She is studying”


He washed hands, and started eating.

 Within some minutes, he felt something pulling his heart.

In no time, he fell on the floor with blood coming out of the mouth and nose.

“Help….please help” he shouted while rolling on the floor.

The daughter quickly ran downstairs and found her mother taking the last breath and he died.

They took the body to private hospital and the doctor said.

“He is dead already..” And the wife started crying yet in,side she was smiling.

But the daughter knew that the mother drugged the father.

“I see…” She said/the daughter.

One week later, the mother forgot about the husband and now she started sleeping with gateman in the same bed without the daughter knowing.

“My mother killed my father…i must also kill her” the daughter thought.

Surely, during day time, the daughter poured some sleeping pills into the glass of water.

She shook it and pills dissolved.

“Here mum….” She gave the mother a cup/glass of water HO².

“Thank you ” the mother received.

She finished the glass of water and in no time, she slept off.

The girl then squeezed the mother’s neck, punched the neck, pulled her on the floor, stepped on the neck and gosh the mother stopped breathing and died.

The daughter took the body to booty of the car,

And drove down the forest where she drpped the body into the river and drove back.

And so did they took over the properties.

The gateman started spending money like never one day, the daughter told the gateman not to spend money anyhow.

And the gateman felt bad.

“I must run away with all these things using one method which is also to ki-ll her too” thought the gateman.

 Sadly, during night time, the gateman stubbed the girl to death.

Same night, he ran away with 5899 billions of money to new york where he is now right now.


“Follow me” the woman said.

And we entered the house.

She took us to the storeroom and there she said, “Mara…i know you..but i want to tell you that your aunty was good woman..but she is nomore cos jonah witched her..she is now mad”

“What-!!” I shouted.

“And now they want to kill both of us but i will not let them succeed “

“Thank you” i thanked while heaping myself at the corner.

“Am also the satanist but i don’t time to die has come..i will fight for you ..but i want you to do me favour”

“Tell me”

“Take care of my house..i will give you powers to heal your aunty..and your aunty will be be back to normal as long as you won’t sleep with man in your entire life..” She said.

“No problem..” I said too.

“Your friend will soon wake up..So from now on you become l-sbian..if you dare sleep with a man, your aunty will go mad again” she warned.

“Ok” i agreed.

Few minutes past, we heard strange voice.

“They are here…don’t dare to come out” she warned me.

And gave me some powers then she sneaked out of the room.

Out there, they met.

The woman used all the powers to kill jonah and the king.

And they all roasted and disappeared.

Next day, i explained to beauty and she agreed to spend her life with me.

Two days later, we found my aunt and healed her.

She wished peace to the woman that gave me powers.

And she supported me to be l-sbian with beaut.

“I agree mara…” Aunty said.

Am now living happy life with beaut.

See the list of completed stories


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