Mara The Lesbian - Episode 3

Mara The Lesbian - Episode 3

Last updated 9월 27, 2024




When they drove off, i sat down, put the phone on bed next to me and increased the volume to 10 making the bedroom with nothing but mo-ning echoes just to enjoy the real hærdcore i was watching.

  I lied straight on bed, opened my thighs, crossed my right hand between my thighs, folded my palm leaving just three fingers pointing into my w-t p*ssy then i fingered myself while following the c*ck of the man who i was watching in the phone.

When he dipped his c*ck into the girl’s p*ssy, i also dipped my fingers into the p*ssy following same speed on how the man was doing it.

  As i felt pains in,side the p*ssy wall, i knew that the lust feelings were over so i just stopped the video , deleted two of them out of the phone and played gospel videos.

  “What came over me……gosh cos of that common man and i fingered my p*ssy just like that…” I said to myself as i was stepping down from bed to the floor.

I picked the p-nt that was on the floor, entered in my left leg and also entered the right leg then pulled it up to the wa-ist.

 After wearing my p-nt, i looked back to see any cream stain hanging on my ass but wow i was clean except the scent of p*ssy cream.

 So i walked to the table, pulled the perfume and sprayed in,side the p-nt(down the p*ssy and to my as-s) and i was smelling beautiful that no fly dares to poke me.

  Then i put it back on the table, took the hair ribbon and tied my hair to my back.

 I also applied the pink l¡pstick leaving nothing but nice matching l¡pstick on my l-ips.

 The brown powder made my round face looking hot and attractive.

After all these, i went back to the bed, pulled the clothe which i used to clean up my cream from my p*ssy and carried it outside to wash it.

  However, as i was applying soap to the clothe, the gate man from the next door(neighbour) showed up from nowhere.

“Hello……” The gate man dared to poke my wa-ist.

 I vibrated and quickly turned around to see the person.

“Hey..!!!! ” i shouted.

The gate man moved back one step.

“Easy girl……it’s me…” Said the gate man.

 I took a deep breath with my hands to the back hiding the clothe.

“O sorry but you don’t have to touch my wa-ist”

“Mmmm no man can ignore to touch your wa-ist”

“Why….?” I asked.

He moved little bit closer to me.

“Cos you have beautiful body….full of attractions..”


“Yes dear…though you will never allow me to see them one day” he joked.

I smiled.

“No is not like that……am just not into sleeping together issues…” I said while shaking my left th-gh.

 He smiled while holding hands on the wa-ist.i guess his c*ck was raising up due to the th-gh i was shaking.

“No….i know why you won’t allow me…is because am not your type….and you can’t even admire my c*ck even if i walk unclad here….am i wrong?” He asked while looking direct into my eyes.

I face down while creating pattens on the ground using my shoes.

“Haha…stop that….who said that i can’t admire your c*ck? ” i asked in question form.

“Mmm me of course…ok can i show you my c*ck now we see if you can admire it?” He asked.

 I hidden the clothe without him noticing by just forcing it to enter in my skirt.

“Don’t try it……don’t spoil my mood” i said after entering the clothe into the skirt.

I folded my arms across my chest below my b-obs.

“Dear to be honestly if you keep refusing to show me your ass then am going to use juju to confuse your brain” he joked while leaning the hand to the tap.

 I laughed louder.

Without knowing that my aunty was back, we couldn’t notice her looking us through the window.

She was kneeling on the sofa, shifted the curtain and paid attention to us busy hearing every word we spoke.

“This gate man wants also to sleep with my girl………” My aunty said to herself as she peeped us.

 When she saw the gate man zipping down the trouser, she felt bad and quickly rushed to the veranda.

“Mara……..Mara……” My aunty called while entering the also again as if she was just coming from driving her future hubby home yet it was her plan to disturb us.

The gate man upon hearing my aunt’s voice, he ran away.

“Aunty……why……” I said to myself while going to the veranda.

I was upset cos i wanted to see the gate man’s c*ck and my aunty disturbed us.

I went to the veranda and found my aunty waiting for me on the door.she was leaning on the flame door.

“Mara…..” Aunty started upon seen me coming.

I stopped walking when she called my name.

“Yes aunt……” I said while looking on the floor.

“Where are you coming from?” She asked while bending her neck to the door flame sighting me little bit rude.

“To the back door…….i was charting with my friend”

“Which friend?”

“The gate man”

“Really….the gate man now is your friend?”

“Yes aunty” i replied without knowing that she was inlove with him too.

“Listen….that boy is a criminal… time if i see you closer to him then you won’t like what i will do to you!” She warned.


“Good…now get in”

And i quickly entered.

“Silly girl….you want to chop the same rod with me..” She said to herself after i disappeared to my bedroom.


It was around 9pm after dinner when i was in my bedroom and my aunt in her room too when i was sitting on the bed facing the wall where i created the picture of uncle jonah coming to me without clothes.

As he was touching my shoulders to push me, i quickly removed the picture out of my head and lied on the bed.

Within some minutes, i closed my eyes and slept off.

  Then i began to dream about uncle jonah again dating me.


“I think she has slept now…..” My aunty said to herself.

She stepped down from bed to the floor, opened the door quietly and then went to the back door.

She only wore the g-string which didn’t even cover her thighs.

So she opened the door and managed to walk out from the house without disturbing my sweet dream.

 My aunty got a small stone from the ground and threw it to the roof of a small house where gate man was sleeping in.

“She is here already” gate man said to himself after hearing the stone as usual.

He quickly rushed outside the gate only in boxer without a shirt

“I misses you baby…” Gate man whispered to aunty.

My aunty didn’t seem happy.

“What is it baby?” Gate man asked my aunty while wrapping aunt’s wa-ist with his hands.

“You know what you did”.

” no….i don’t know baby…tell me”

“What were you doing with my girl mara?”

“O mara……she was asking about my family..please smile for me cos you don’t look beautiful with you squeez your face..” Gate man joked while touching my aunt’s cheeks.

My aunty smiled.

“Stop it….any way am feeling cold” aunty said while touching gate man’s nose.

“I also feel cold….as you can see am ready” said the gate man while looking down his boxer.

“So where are you going to give me that already hærd rod?” Asked my aunty after seeing in the boxer of the gate man.


“Ok lets go to my car” said my aunty.

“Is it open already?i don’t mara to hear us opening the doors” said the gate man.

“Don’t worry…lets go”.

To be continued

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