Life of a P-rn Star - Episode 7/8

Life of a P-rn Star - Episode 7/8

Last updated junio 22, 2024




(How He Defiled Me) ðŸ”ž

Episode 7

(Flash back)

After the incident of that night mum’s trust for me grew less but that doesn’t change anything, I was only emotional when she spoke to me that night but sincerely that emotion was temporary.

I woke up late the next day due to tiredness and weakness of my body, mum dressed as usual for work

She called me for morning devotion, after the prayers I knew it already that it was time for advice.

“what happened last night really upset me but I don’t know what to do, if I’ll beat you now it won’t help at all, from now hence forth you’ll be living with my elder sister during holidays but school days you’ll be staying with Austin cause he’s really giving you freedom ” she said
When she mentioned her sister, I readjust my sitting position.

Hell no! Her sister’s house is just like prison, all they do is to stay at home all day to watch movies and I don’t fancy at that.

My aunt’s house is not too far from our house, it’s will take vehicle thirty minutes to get there from our house but I don’t like staying with them.

She has a daughter who is thesame age as I but I look older than her, I had no option than to agree with her, besides holiday is still far.

We were still at June as of then while my Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination (JSCE) was August so I have two good month to jubilate with him.

She left for work while I dressed for school, I was tired of going to uniform school already, I just want to be a university student.

Despite the flirt I was still smart and the best, many of the staffs likes me and use me as example to other junior students.

After school I went home eagerly to hear from Austin, I knocked on his door several times before he opened the door.

I entered his room like boss lady and went straight to his bed, the room was hot so I removed my clothes and the inner wear leaving just p-nt and my usual jumper.

He bit his lower lip and brought out his tongue, he likes my s*xy body.

“don’t even go there I’m here for business ” I said cutting him from the sed-ctive gesture.

“what business are you talking about? ” he questioned
“where’s the money yesterday and what do you want to tell me? ” I asked back
“stop asking for money I don’t want you to get exposed to money at this early age” he said
“you’re sick, I’ve done worst so forget about expose, in short my name is expose so give me the money I want to use it” I said

“common baby stay cool, I provide all you want so whatever you need the money for let me know and I’ll do it” he said in a serious tone

“okay then kosi problem” I said
“so about the man what did you want to tell me? ” I asked
“go take your bath and eat first, I’m not running away. I’ll tell you later ” he said.

I went to the bathroom to clean up quickly then I came back to dish my launch, I played with the food by hitting the plate with the spoon several times until he decided to feed me.

I’m use to that already, all I do is to sit while he feeds me. After eating I felt dizzy so I decided to take a nap.

When I woke up I saw him sitting close to me with his laptop on his lap, he was on mask while he put on a glove, I wonder the kind of person he is, he doesn’t go to work, no girlfriend or boyfriend, all he does is to stay at home all day with his laptop and gloves.

“you’re awake” he said not looking at me, he focused on the laptop.

I tickled him to distract him from what he was doing and I was able to get him, he closed the laptop then k-ssed my forehead “you’ve spoilt” he teased

“you spoilt me” I answered.

“I’m coming let me ease myself ” He stood up and walked to the door, he went out for like ten minutes before he came back.

He sat on the bed with me “girl this is what I want you to do, just get that Alhaji for me” he said

“get him how? ”
“don’t behave like cheap girls okay, he’ll take you out if you call him, call big money for him and also go to expensive jewelry shop so that he’ll buy jewels for you and don’t make him know your family financial status, just boast about like your parents are the richest ” he said

“are you pushing me into pr-stitution? ” I asked
“God forbid how will I do such, just do it with only Alhaji, that man has battered money o” he said

“I’m not looking for money ” I said
“you mean you like the way your poor mother works as nanny? ” he asked, the word stroke me.

“you can change her life now like this, don’t be a greedy child, the other day she was sick of ulcer cause she feeds poor just to make things right for you, you haven’t pay for junior WAEC and your school director will start disturbing” He said

“now if I get the money what kind of work will I tell mum that I’m into? ” I asked

“oh leave that to me, once he gives you money just bring it, I’ll be giving your mother like a caring person, she’ll never know it was you ” he said

That was a perfect idea but I was against it, “no open an account for me ” I said, he laughed
“girl you’re underage, you can open account at eighteen ” he said,

I hissed
“is this not Nigeria? I can forge my age” I said
“no dear, I don’t want you to be a fraudster ” he said
“forget about fraud, I need to make momma proud ” I said
After long discussion of disagreement he finally agreed that I opened an account.

I was quiet for a while when another thought crossed my mind, I’ve heard of many stories how Alhaji has turned ladies to something else all in the name of money, I don’t want to end up like that.

“uncle but Alhaji are evil at times, I don’t want to loose my womb and I don’t want to die young ” I said

He laughed “you’re a very smart girl, that was the kind of question I’ve been expecting since, many girls die because of their ignorance” he said

“so what are you trying to say? You mean there’s a way out or prevention? ”
I asked

“yes dear ” he answered

“okay o, oya tell me the solution ” I said.
He readjust his sitting position then look at me, “have you ever heard of c-ndom before? ” he asked

“what do you know about it? ” he asked
“it’s looks like rubber or should I say balloon, it protect from pregnancy and s€×ual transmitted diseases (STD) ” I replied smartly

“you’re right, have you heard about female c-ndom?” he asked

I know c-ndom to be for male ever since I’ve been hearing it but that day he explained female c-ndom to me when I shook my head, he also brought out the female c-ndom from his bag, I wonder what he was doing with it.

“as a lady you need it for those men like Alhaji, you are too put it when he’s about to plunge in his hærd c*ck on you cause he might release in,side of you and end up bringing a story and he might release evil in,side of you and you know what it means ” he said

I was confused “I don’t get you ” I said
“I mean if he’s a ritualist he’ll release rubbish into you and when he’s done with you, you might die or turn to something else so the best thing is to use female c-ndom so that whatever he releases into you will be throwed away” he said

“who thought you all this? ” I asked teasingly.

“don’t bother ” he said
“so what will happen to him if it’s for ritual and I use c-ndom? ” I asked

“he’ll die” he said and I jerked
“don’t worry I’ll help you ” he said

He brought out the card and dialed the Alhaji’s number with my phone, he gave me the phone to speak to him.

“hello sir” I began
“hello sugar how are you ” he said not minding who was speaking
“I’m good, I’m the lady you gave your card on Sunday at the party” I said

“I know dear, I’ve been waiting for your call, I’ll text you where and when to meet me, presently I’m at the office ” he said

“okay sir” I said and hang up the call, Austin gave me a hi five but I was pretty scared.

“babe don’t be scared you know I’ll not hurt my beautiful girlfriend ” he said

(How He Defiled Me) ðŸ”ž

Episode 8

I took a second look at Austin, he gave me a kudos and asked me to go into the hotel.

Despite I’m a sinner I still prayed for God’s protection, I don’t want to die all in the name of money.

I walked to the hotel and asked for room 08 where the Alhaji told me to enter, the receptionist directed me to the room.

I knocked at the door, he opened the door for me, he looks younger than the way he looks the first day.

“yarenya mai kyau come in,side ” he said, I followed him in, he was licking his lip already.

“how do you want it cool, hot or normal? ” he asked, I almost hissed cause it seems he’s taking me as a pr-stitute

“Alhaji I’m not a pr-stitutes, I came in instead of you to welcome me and chat with me you’re talking about ” I said

“oh sorry my sweetheart I’d not like that just that I’m high” he said,
I looked at him for long before shaking my head ”
“whatever ” I said and turned

He moved to me and tickled me, I jumped up and began to laugh “see current, you will be sweet” he said
Wrapped his hands around my wa-ist, he gently raised his chin up and k-ssed my neck softly, his breath was so soft on me.

He removed his clothes and began to touch sensitive parts of my body, I was already in the air.

He slipped his tongue into my mouth and deep it down, I was amazed at his rom-ntic style.

He car-ssed my body by kssing every part down to my cl!t making me to shiver in pleasure.

Meanwhile the c-ndom was on my hands, I thought on how I’ll use it, his s-ck!ng was sweeter than that of Austin.

That was when I know that men differs in terms of bed.

He gently slipped in a finger just the way uncle Austin always do “Kai you are tight ” he said, I shook my head.

I noticed he was about to thr-st in so I quickly fixed the c-ndom exactly the way uncle Austin has thought me.

Uncle Austin’s c*ck is not as big as his own so I wouldn’t doubt if he’d say such, he plunge in an out his hærd big c*ck, I cried cause it was more than mo-n.

Uncle Austin has never treated me sweet the way the man did, he brought it out and s-ck the cl!t.

I was breathing fast already, he turned me to the other side and plunge in from the behind this time the thr-sting was faster, I c-m while he released.

“Kai you are too sweet ” he said as I rest my head on his chest, I wouldn’t mind being his wife for a job well done.

Few minutes later my phone was ringing, I checked the caller ID it was uncle Austin I hissed.

“who is that” he asked but I refused to answer
“you can have a boyfriend, I have wives and children but all I want is for you to be tight always ” he said, I smiled and pecked him lightly.

He asked for my account number and I sent it to him, I got alert of huge amounts instantly. I was over happy, I promised to be coming whenever he needs me.

We showered together at the bathrooms, he took me out that day, when he was driving out of the hotel I made sure I whined the glass of the car down, I looked at uncle Austin in disgust while the Alhaji speed off.

He thinks he can use me to get money, another thought crush my mind, how will I give my mum the money if I choose to leave uncle Austin?
That’s why I need him.

After the outings and everything I went home, when I entered uncle Austin’s room he welcomed me with a hot slap.


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