Life of a P-rn Star - Episode 5/6

Life of a P-rn Star - Episode 5/6

Last updated 6月 22, 2024



(How He Defiled Me) 🔞

Episode 5

I took a second thought and turned my back cause I know if I mess up my mum will so deal with the hell out of me.

I went back home to eat but my phone rang, Austin has suggested my mum buy me phone at Js2 inorder to keep in touch with me.

Without taking a second thought my mum accepts to it, she bought a small phone for me but on my birthday uncle Austin gave me an Android as birthday 

I began to trip or should I say fall into his trap, I checked the caller ID it was him, I picked the call in haste, “hello sweet ”

he began
“hmm I’m good, what’s popping” I answered amidst mouth full of rice.
“please come over I need you like die” he said

“huh? Don’t you know today is Sunday and mum’s around or do you want her to suspect us? ” I demanded
“not at all, I’ll cover up for you it’s a discussion and come along with one of your books so that you’ll say I’m helping you to solve a difficult assignment ” he said

“alright just give me ten minutes I’ll be right there ” I said
“don’t delay please ” he said
I rushed the food to his house, he smiled immediately he saw me.

I frowned playfully, he tickled me and I began to laugh immediately.

“have you ever gone for clubbing before? ” he asked, I shook my head “no o, mum is not the club type ” I answered and he laughed at me.

“common girl, mum has played her own life when she was young it now your time to show case the world what you have before you’ll settle down ” he said

“you’re crazy, I can vow for mum that she’s not the type, I ain’t no fool” I teased

“I know you’ll not believe, she’s only acting cool because she’s now a mother don’t you understand that? ” he asked

“you’re lying joor, don’t forget that I don’t trust you ” I said to him bluntly.

He knows I don’t trust him, “but will you go to the clubbing with me tonight? You know you’re the only girlfriend I have right ” he requested.

“mum will not allow me o” I said
“Ife you’re a big girl try and make decisions on your own. Beside you can go without telling her” he said

“how? ”
“sneak at night of cause ” he said
“hmmm” I hummed
“yeah, I’ll message you when it’s time to go, don’t fall my hands o”
We were still discussing when I heard mum calling my name, “I’m at uncle Austin room o” my voice echoed, she appeared there almost immediately, as smart as I was I faced my book.

“uncle thank you for taking good care of my daughter o, if you know what happened to my friend’s daughter you’ll mercy for her ” she began, she can gossip for Africa.

“what happened? ” he requested like someone interested but I know his mind was not with her.

She spent almost two hours narrating how Grace had refused to tell them the person responsible for her pregnancy, she concluded by thanking God that she’s the best mother, she deserves hot slap I’ll never forget to say that.

I was chatting on line at the middle of the night 23:00 when Mr messaged me that it was time, I did not even bother to dress, I was on pyjamas, I followed through window and sneaked into his room.

He has perfect dress for me, of cause you know what I mean by perfect dress. That of daughters of Jezebel.

We got to the party where everywhere was booming, guys and ladies at crook and cranny area misbehaving.
Uncle Austin pulled me for dance, everything there was for eighteen above but nobody knew I was not up to eighteen cause of my big body.

We dance for a while before sitting down, he asked me to wait for him to ease himself.

I sat down waiting when all of a sudden everyone was shouting, all hail the great Alhaji, ladies flock around him.

He threw money at the people hailing him, I ignored cause I see no reason why they’ll praise him like god on earth.

He came straight to me like someone sent, “hello young lady ” he said but I ignored, he was attracted to me cause I seem not to be praising him.

“hello dear ” he said for the second time and I ignored.

“you no thank God say Alhaji dey talk to you self” one of the ladies said

“sorry miss, I don’t do your type ” I answered the lady politely
“this is the kind of lady I’m looking for, not all this kind of lady that would open leg at anytime ” says the Alhaji.
“well if you need my help contact me” he said and drop a card and huge amounts of money that made my eyes to popped up but I mentained my position.

Austin came back few minutes later to meet the card and money on my table, he asked about it and I explained everything

to my surprise he took the money and card.
“this is a great opportunity for us to make money ” he said, I peered in surprise.

“I’ll explain everything for you tomorrow ” he said
After the party was over we went home, on my way home my phone rang several times but I was not able to check the caller.
Austin left for his room while I tried to sneak to my room thesame way I sneaked out.

I throwe my pyjamas first, then I climbed through the window cause I was on short trouser.
I struggled hærd and entered my room

“welcome back ” I heard her voice.
I turned to check it was my mum, she sat on my bed and she was crying already with a long stick on her hand.

(How He Defiled Me) 🔞

Episode 6

“Ife you are an evil child, you are wicked, where are you coming from dressed like this and at this unholy time.

Look at the clock it’s 3am, I was here waiting for you since 1am” she said.

I opened my mouth to speak but words ain’t coming out, I was totally speechless.

“will you answer me where are you coming from this night? ” she questioned again but I was shivering already cause I can’t tell her it was uncle Austin besides I’ve began to enjoy life with him already.

I shook my head and moved backward, she followed me “will you answer me and stop nodding your head? ” she shouted.

She lashed me with the stick, I had to jump up and run round the house cause it was really painful, I cried loudly.

Uncle Austin was knocking the door while I and mum was running around the house, she trying to catch me while I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

“mummy Ife open this door ” he said hitting the door.
She angrily went and opened the door, “haaaa, you scared me, why are you flogging her this night? ” he asked
“just look at the way she dressed” mum said and uncle Austin stare at me from head to toe
“what happened? ” he asked

“ask her where she’s just coming from in such dressing” she said
“Ife where are you just coming from? ” he asked

Twas a dramatic scenario that night “I went to party ” I cried
“Jesu gba mi ” mum said and placed her hands on her head like someone who lost another.
“party how? ” she asked

“didn’t I warned you to stay away from Grace? So she’s influenced you into party right ?” Austin said quickly, he knew I’d not be able to compose a smart lie.

“I’m sorry ” I managed to say trying to recover from the shock of his lie, he can lie and he’s perfect in it.
“Austin why would you allow my daughter to visit that wayward child? ” mum questioned

“I’m so sorry ma, I thought it would be okay by you since you’re a friend to her mother ” he lied
“no no no Austin you didn’t try at all, you shouldn’t have allowed her” she said.

“don’t worry I’ll deal with her for doing this” he said and drag my hand to my room.

He closed the door and pushed me to the bed, he’d collect the stick from my mum.

He pulled my trouser down and spank my butt, the sound was like a slap, he plunge in his hærd c*ck, I cried in a mo-ning style.

“you’re a stubborn girl, how would you do such a thing ” he said while spanking my butt, I cried and mo-n while he thr-sts in and out fast fast.

He would use the stick to wipe the bed while I shout, he’d use his hand to spank my butt, it was really a pleasure for me that night.

Mum was already sympathizing for me already “please uncle is okay she might faint o” she said hitting the door.

Austin and I were on fire already, he eventually fell on me tiredly but still hitting the bed, I c-m.

I was weak already, he broth out his c*ck, I rub it softly and s-ck it.
He helped me to put on my trouser while I layed lifeless on the bed, then he opened the door.

“uncle please don’t kill her for me even though it’s her fault ” she said and ran to me where I was laying.

“goodnight ma, I’ll speak into her brain tomorrow ” he said and left.

“I’m sorry dear but why did you choose to do this to me? Now look at how uncle has flogged you ” she said touching my skin maybe expecting mark.

“mummy I’m sorry, I’ll never do that again ” I pleaded
She stared at me for long then hug me
“you are all I’ve got, I can’t stand watching you behaving like irresponsible person in life,

I want the best for you that is why I’m struggling hærd to see that you go to school and as a smart girl like you I believe that some day you’ll make me proud ” she said,

Tears drop down my eyes, I wish I could make her happy just the way she’d always wanted but I can’t, I’m already an addict.

I wished I had remote of life then I’d preview that morning that I insisted of going to uncle Austin’s house, I’d have said everything even though mum wasn’t ready to listen but I was sloppy and childish.

When mum left for her room I cried, I was already at the state of dilemma.

The thought of making a change and make my mum proud was in a corner of my heart but I want to satisfy myself, I need touches and I need someone like Austin around says my second thought.
I was lost in thought until I slept off.


I woke up very weak and tired, I felt pains around me, I remembered what happened the earlier and I felt guilty to stand in front of my mum.

I went to the bathroom, I left the bathroom to my room to see myself, I hated myself for who I am.

I remembered that Austin said he wants to tell me something about the Alhaji, I was ready to hear and I want to make the money so that my mum would be proud.

(End Of Flash Back)

“that was how my mum minimize her noise about me, she forgave me that night but her trust for me died” I said to d-ckson who lost his attention while I was talking to him, I wonder what he was looking at that made him to forget I was talking.

“actually I’m listening so don’t get upset in telling me more about you cause I’m learning from your story, the Alhaji you talked about what happened next when you woke up eagerly to know what Austin wanted to tell you? ” he asked sternly

“well that was how my connection in the p-rn carrier started ” I answered

“can you explain, sorry I’m taking your time ” he said
No problem.

(Flash Back)

After the incident of that night mum’s trust for me grew less but that doesn’t change anything, I was only emotional when she spoke to me that night but sincerely that emotion was temporary.


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