Aunty Tope - Episode 7
I was suddenly pitying auntie Tope who
had totally
gone Unclad below even though I was
sure I wouldn’t
be spared if mom ever caught her
causing my still stiff Joystick to spray
additional ropes
of my spunk across the floor and the
counter top as it
dangled about ridiculously!
“Oh…you guys are still here! And yet to
finish the
meat?!” she was looking at the meat I
had in my hand
which I had miraculously picked off
the bowl just as
she entered! I was spectacularly
sweating “You guys
are funny o!”
“Is power back?”, auntie Tope cut in,
attempting to detract attention from us.
She was
profusely sweating too but was
suddenly looking fully
dressed, with her Bosom already stuffed
back into
her blouse! How she had managed to
dress up within
split seconds was inexplicably
“Not yet baby”, answered a non-
suspecting mom. “I
wanted to ask you where you kept that
pink shower
cap. I want to have a quick bath. My
body s-cks right
“Check the bathroom. I left it there this
auntie tope had already picked up her
own chunk of
meat and was chewing away. How mom
hasn’t been
able to link both our sweating bodies to
sinister was very unusual of her!
In a moment, mum was already
walking away! I
couldn’t believe how lucky we had
been! Although, I
kept thinking I knew exactly how lucky,
until I
eventually turned around to wash my
hands after
returning the meat I was initially
Astonishingly, auntie Tope had actually
been far from
anything dressed all this while! In fact,
she was still
entirely Unclad with her trousers and
p-nty on the
floor! She was only fortunate to have
been hidden by
the height of the kitchen counter!
When my eyes met
hers, she had this naughty smirk on her
face and as
soon as I traced her left hand to where
it was, I was
amazed to find it pulling her moist
Kittycat l-ips apart;
sugg estively displaying the love-h0le
once more to
me! Auntie Tope wanted me to scratch
her th-gh
again; just like we did before…or so it
After waving my head and smiling to
myself, I turned
off the water faucet and began walking
over to her
with my Joystick in my hand!
I turned off the water faucet and began
walking over
to her with my Joystick in my hand!
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