Aunty Tope - Episode 4

Aunty Tope - Episode 4

Last updated octubre 17, 2024




“Are you better now Auntie? Should I

stop?” I heard

myself suddenly ask, rather dumbly and



“Noooo!!….nooo Danny baby! go on!”

she had her

head thrown back with her eyes shut

tightly. “Keep

scratching please. Keep scratching until

the itching is

gone baby!

I was trying to make up my mind as to

how to

proceed from that moment. I wouldn’t

know if to pull

her p-nty to the side or to leave it

strapped to her

Kittycat! Sincerely speaking I was

desperate to see

her Unclad Kittycat and the musky

scent reaching my

nose was one of the most intoxicating

thing I had

sniffed in a long time! But it wasn’t

going to be easy

for me going on to undress her

completely even

though that might be what she wished,

at least

without her inducing that herself. I had

my hand back

on my Joystick again and was gently

wanking it

through the fabric of the shorts.

I was still doing so, when auntie Tope

by herself, got

the hand on my head over to her p-nty

and right

before me, pulled the p-nty to the side,

revealing one

of the most alluring pussies I had ever

seen! The

Kittycat was so pretty and equally

drenched, with

white Kittycat cream graciously sipping

out of its

opening! As predicted, there were stubs

of hair and

you could tell she hadn’t shaved for

quite some time

but it never made the Kittycat look any

less attractive!

When auntie Tope’s hand returned to

my head and

slightly pulled my head a little towards

her, I instantly

registered what she wished I could do to

her! My

right hand that was initially on her

p-nty, was now on

her th-gh, but just after nudging my

head forward a

little, she grabbed my hand and

brought it to her


“Scratch me here honey…” her eyes

were closed

again as she made my hand come in

contact with her

immensely soaked c–t! As soon as I

found her h0le,

I let two fingers slide into her! She

uncoiled that


As soon as I found her h0le, I let two

fingers slide

into her!

I responded by pulling down the front

side of my

shorts and freeing my member! I was

now too

ar-used to care how brazen what we

were doing was!

I was soon w anking my meat as I kept

gliding my

soaked fingers in and out of auntie

Tope’s drenched

Kittycat! She never stopped pouring

still and soon I

had quite a pool in the cusp of my bare


I wasn’t thinking of any itching or

scratching at that

point anymore even though auntie Tope

was still

clearly playing that script! It has

obviously graduated

to something much more sensual and

none of us

would deny not expecting it to turn so

even before

we began. When a third finger entered

the gooey love

pot, mom’s friend curled herself and in

a jerk,

clamped her thighs into me, thus

trapping my hand

in her well poked Kittycat!

To Be Continued

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