Aunt Tope - Episode 1
Aunty Tope
NOTE: This story is only meant for matured people (18+)
Episode 1
I asked Aunty Tope again, to be sure
about what I heard her say at first. And yes, she repeated it. She meant what I heard. She was even motioning with her protruded meat-filled mouth for me to go ahead
fast! The itching seemed to be unusually
severe and
discomforting. She tried saying
something but the
meat in her mouth stifled her voice. She
could only
mutter some inaudible meaningless
sounds to which
I paid little attention.
“Get closer ma,” I managed to require,
doing my best
to keep my composure. If someone had
told me a
minute ago, that I would soon be in
such an awkward
position, I would have flatly argued the
“Uhhmmmm….uhm…uhmmmm” she
growled again.
It was hærd to get a word from her but
I seemed to
understand her to mean I should hurry.
So I began
dipping my hand into her denim
As I did, the same scary question that
had being in
my head all along popped up one more
time “what if
mom comes into the kitchen?”. That
was a big
question I wasn’t sure what answer it
could get. Mum
should be tremendously happy to link
this rather
curious situation of ours to all her long
suspicions. The earlier I went about
this, the better, it
Initially, it kept proving too tight to
maneuver but
when I remembered that the hook was
still intact, I
was quick to go for it.
Aunty Tope as we called her was (in
explanation) mum’s closest friend. She
attended the
Teacher’s Training College with mom
back in the days
and both graduated to become basic
school teachers.
Although mom progressed further and
have grown
to become a lecturer in the University.
Tope didn’t
have exactly the same story. She joined
the business
society and soon became far richer
than mum. She
was never married though and thus
always had all
the time in the world to make long
visits to our home.
She usually stayed several weeks before
leaving and
we all grew up knowing her to be some
kind of
inexplicably ‘unrelated’ relative.
Unfortunately, as I got older I began to
notice her a
bit more. And this time, not just as
Aunty Tope but as
a very pretty woman who I was going
to be more
than glad to F**K. She was in her early
forties and
more than 18years older than me but I
never cared! I
always had long-lasting er-ctions
thinking about her!
Many times I had poured my Pour just
at the thought
of holding her br-asts which were
actually the most
beautiful things in her body! Even
though I have
caught her starring at me a lot of times,
I still haven’t
really felt she was interested in going in
with me.
Probably because of the age difference
but I was
dying within me to see her change her
mind. Mum
noticed the crush and had to call me on
a certain
occasion for explanations during which
I starkly
denied ever having any interest.
Needless to say, her
monitoring increased and she rarely
ever allowed the
two of us in the same rooms for too
long. Her
constant reference to Aunty Tope as a
loose woman
was enough to drive home why she
would think
Aunty Tope could F**K me. I wasn’t
seeing the
likelihood myself. At least until this
To Be Continued…
NEXT episode ➡️