Obiageli The Village Dancer - Episode 3

Obiageli The Village Dancer - Episode 3

Last updated Oktober 17, 2024



Obiageli was the only maiden in the community that dances very well, she was the best dancer everyone knows her for her dancing skills, she got the steps and moves

One cool evening while Obiageli was showing her two sisters her dancing skills. The other maidens in the village comes to her for help

"Obiageli this dance steps is not easy" Adanne said
"You need to learn it if you want to win the prince hearts so bend your waist down and shake it, follow my movement" Obiageli said

"Okay" Olunne replied
Obiageli dance while her Adanne and Olunne watch how she dance following her steps but they still didn't get the movement, while they were still dancing, The group of girls walked into the compound Calling out Obiageli name

"Obiageli come out" the maidens shouted
"Hey hey you girls should hold it there, what is this all about?"Adanne asked
"Sorry we all beg your pardon for entering your compound this way, but we need Obiageli help."said Ifeoma one of the maiden

"Help for what" Olunne asked
"We need her to teach us how to dance,you know everyone knows that Obiageli is the best dancer in our community" said Adaugo

"And so,if she is the best dancer, can you all go straight to the point" Adanne said
"As the crown prince will be coming back from abroad next week, igwe announced to all the maiden of this community to prepare themselves, to dance for the prince while he chooses his bride" Ifeoma said

"I'll help you girls to teach you all how to dance" Obiageli replied
"You won't help anyone, so if you girls knows what is better for you all, carry your selves out of here before we will teach you girls a lesson" Adanne said

"Please, we are not here for troubles but for help,"Adaugo and the other maidens responded
"Oh you girls are not ready for troubles right, but you all will see trouble now, just wait here" Olunne said and signaled Adanne for them to get inside
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