Wrong Womb - Episode 12

Wrong Womb - Episode 12

Last updated 10月 17, 2024



On the screen, Rosa James and Paul Kings rushed into the room, and Paul Kings began to take off her clothes one after the other.
Rosa James stopped him. "Today is the launching of my future mother in law's product. I can't do this again. Raymond already warned me".
"This will be the last time, I promise".
"I want to advertise for South Airlines. I need to gain fame all over Europe".
Their sex scenes was displayed on the screen and the hall was in chaos.
Rosa James fumed and rushed to Grace Craig who was standing by me.
She pushed her to the floor. "You connived with your friend to put me to shame, you bæstard!!!".
I helped Grace back to her feet and searched her eyes. "Did you do it, Grace?".
There was hūrt in her eyes as she looked at me. "How can you be asking me this, Victory?".
"I don't know what to think anymore!". I said frustratedly.
"If you can't trust me, who else can?". She pulled off my grips and walked away.
I had suspected Grace Craig because she had assisted the engineers in fixing the projector.
If she wasn't, then who could it be?
I looked around the hall and watched people leave one after the other.
Raymond was not in the hall.
He must have sneaked out in shame.
Rosa James rushed to the formidable Regina Donald who remained on that spot.
She sobbed uncontrollably. "Mum, I have something to tell you".
"Save that for after you write a special resignation letter . After tomorrow, make sure I don't see your face again". She patted her calmly on her shoulder and walked to me. "As for you, I want to see your resignation letter first thing tomorrow too". With that, she walked out of the hall.
I followed her out. "I will like to hear a good reason before I do that".
She stopped and faced me.
She was obviously controlling her temper. "You connived with your friend to humil!ate me. I hope that reason is good enough?".
"It is not a good enough. You have no proof to confirm that my friend did that".
"Proof? What are you talking about?".
I cleared my throat. "No proof yet. Everyone is still a suspect and you can't sack me because you sacked Rosa James. I will send my account number to you for my pay for today. Thanks". I walked out of the building.
As I walked past the parking lot, I heard a car horn from behind.
I stopped and turned.
It was Raymond Donald's range rover.
I walked to the car and he pulled open the passenger's door of the car.
I got in and turned to him. "Ray...".
He sighed deeply. "I just needed someone to talk to".
I nodded bitterly. "I am sorry about what happened".
"You don't have to be sorry for me. I have accepted my fate even if it is in the hard way".
"How do you mean?".
Rosa James rushed to the car and pulled open the car door.
She rushed into the car and held his hand.
She sobbed uncontrollably. "I really can explain. Sincerely".
"Explain? I am not interested, Rosa James". He slapped her hand off his hand.
"Sincerely, it is not what you think!".
"You slept with a man this morning and you had the guts to touch my hand this same morning! Leave this car before I do something that you don't expect".
Rosa James smiled sadly at me. "I guess you are happy now. You sent your friend so that you could completely take me out of my home! Thanks, Victory. Enjoy it while it lasts". She walked out of the car.
I looked defensively at him. "I and my friend didn't do anything".
He nodded. "I believe you, Victory".
"You believe me?".
"Yes. I know that you are not petty".
I was surprised that he knew me that much.
He held my hand in his. "I really need a friend, Victory. Sometimes, everything feels so hard".
I nodded. "I can be your friend of course. I guess we were friends before all this started".
He smiled and started the engine. "You are going home now, right?" .
"No. I am going to Macland hotel".
"To do what?".
"To prove to the world that my friend would never do such a thing".
"Oh! Macland hotel was the hotel Rosa James had met Paul Kings today, right?".
"Let us go together then".
We met with the hotel manager and I fumed at him. "I will sue you for not granting your customer the accurate privacy she deserves".
"Accurate privacy? Macland hotel gives the best accurate privacy anyone can ever imagine".
"How come the video of what was done in the hotel room was leaked?".
"It must definitely come from Rosa James properties. She must have had properties that contained a secret camera". The hotel manager nodded in conclusion.
"How did you know that it was Rosa James we came to confirm about?". I asked the man suspiciously.
"... because she already came here thirty minutes ago to ask about the exact thing and I also know that the man behind you is the Chief executive officer of Bower bound company, the fiance of Rosa James. The se-x tape that has been leaked from my hotel is what is trending on the news right now".
"I am not convinced that you don't have a hand in this". I snarled.
He smiled. "Look here ma, I don't have a hand in this and I can show you the video of everything that happened right here since six thirty two a.m that Rosa James came in here!you have no right to accuse me as long as you know that I have nothing to benefit from this!!!".
With that,I and Raymond walked out of the hotel.
"Who has something to benefit from this?". Raymond squinted.
I shrugged. "It could either be journalists or someone that is envious of Rosa James".
"Rosa James only had a rival at Kachi television. They had started together but Rosa James had thrived more than her because of her relationship with Paul Kings. She is the next person that my mum has the intention of making the face Bower bound soaps and Creams".
"What is her name?".
"Diana Elliot".
"If Rosa James sēx scene was recorded, she had obviously come in with someone because Macland is heavily guarded and only the one Rosa James trusts the most can probably come in with her...". I rushed back into the hotel to meet the hotel manager. "Did Rosa James come in with anyone aside Paul Kings?" .
"She didn't even come with Paul Kings. Paul Kings had already been in the hotel room when she came in. Let us go to the security room so that you can watch everything".
We walked into the security room and the hotel manager made us watch the full clips of how Rosa James had walked into the hotel that morning.
Rosa James walked in. She was wearing sunglasses.
She had not come with anyone.
She said a few things to the receptionist and she walked into the room.
The hotel manager fast forwarded the clips slowly and it was discovered that Rosa James had spent forty five minutes with Paul Kings.
She had come out of the room at exactly seven twenty-three.
I sighed thoughtfully as I looked up at them. "The sex video only started recording immediately after Rosa James stepped into the room. If the secret camera had been in the hotel room, it would have captured Paul King when he was in the room waiting for her. It says it all. The camera was not in the hotel room, the camera was on Rosa James!".
We rushed out of the hotel into Raymond's car and he started the engine.
He dialed Rosa James' number.
She connected it immediately.
"Where are you right now?".
"I am at Jickson bar trying to get drunk".
"The VIP room?".
"Yes". She disconnected the line.
We rushed into the VIP room of Jickson bar and Rosa James was right there, drinking alcohol with empty bottles already carelessly lying on the table.
I rushed to her and lifted her to her feet. "You are being watched, Rosa James".
She glared at me. "How dare you!!!".

It must be something that she doesn't put into her bag because if it was in her bag, it wouldn't capture everything she had done with Paul Kings if it was hidden. It must be something that can take a view of her environment. Something she wears outside of her.
I lifted her bag and looked around it but there was no camera.
I observed her closely and my gaze stopped at the gold wristwatch on her left wrist. "Can I check that?".
She made eyes at me. "For what?".
"I want to check if there is a secret camera in that wristwatch".
"The wristwatch that Diana Elliot gave me last month as a gift?".
I and Raymond exchanged glances and I forcefully took off the wristwatch off her hand.
Raymond collected it from me and observed it closely. "The camera is installed on the wristwatch truly. Come and take a look".
I saw it on the surface of the wristwatch.
We met with Regina Donald at the parking lot.
She slapped Rosa James. "How dare you trust anyone? Diana Elliot gave you a gift all of a sudden and you were foolish enough to accept it!!!"
Rosa James sobbed. "I am so sorry mum".
"Don't you dare call me that!!!".
She cleared her throat. "Rosa James, you will continue to be the face of Bower bound soaps and Creams and you, Victory Charles, I will give you a brand new SUV and you will be restored your full rights to work in Bower bound".
I nodded thoughtfully. "I don't need your car, Regina Donald. All I need right now is for Rosa James to give my friend a proper apology".
Regina Donald nodded thoughtfully. "Call Grace Craig, Rosa James".
Rosa James collected Grace Craig's number from me and dialed her number. "Hello, Grace Craig, can you come down to Jickson's bar?". She disconnected the line.
We waited patiently for Grace Craig and in ten minutes, she was right there.
She got out of her car and walked into our midst.
Rosa James cleared her throat and looked embarrassedly at Grace Craig. "I am sorry".
"Go on your knees, Rosa James". Raymond commanded.
Rosa James reluctantly went on her knees. "I am sorry".
Grace Craig lifted her to her feet. "It is alright, Rosa James".
Regina Donald cleared her throat. "Victory Charles, you will still be rewarded a brand new SUV for your bravery of finding out the truth".
Double blessing for me! I smiled. "Thanks so much Mrs Donald".
"...and you, Rosa James, you have lost your right as my son's fiancée. I can't have a wayward daughter-in-law in future". She nudged Raymond. "Start looking for someone else".
Rosa James' eyes was filled with tears. "Should I ab0rt it then?".
"Abort what?".
She cleared her throat. "I am two weeks, three days pregnant with Raymond's baby".
We gasped as we watched her.
Fear was shone in Raymond's eyes. "I and Rosa James had our last night two weeks and three days ago truly".
Thanks so much for checking up on me guys, I appreciate so much and I appreciate the fact that you are all alive.
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