Wrong Womb - Episode 10

Wrong Womb - Episode 10

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Last updated tháng 10 17, 2024




I was at work as early as seven o'clock in the big hall of Bower bound company, arranging the new furniture with two selected workers.

When Regina Donald arrived at twenty-seven minutes after nine, I had already calculated the expenses of the types of furniture products and recorded them.
"Victory Charles!". She smiled heartily at me and stretched a hand which I reluctantly accepted.
"Good day ma'am. Nice meeting you". I said formally.
She went through the company records and watched me closely. "Are we going to have enough profit for this new product?".

"Our expenses for the furniture was 2.5 million naira and summing up the total sales, our profit will be approximately one million naira". I said firmly and arranged the company files on the desk.
"Three schools already made requests. Two government schools and a private school". She observed.
"One of the government schools requested for two thousand desks and chairs and the other requested one thousand and two hundred. The private school requested for six hundred. I already calculated the sales we will give them as company price".

She nodded impressively at me. "You did all that this morning?".
"Definitely". I said firmly. "I crosschecked and there are no errors in the calculations".
"The launching will be this evening at my house on the island and you will be my organizer. The shareholders will be attending and my other business partners".
"I will be your organizer? But that doesn't have anything to do with calculations".
"I told you before that you will be in charge of our pieces of furniture. For the fact that this has everything to do with types of furniture, don't ask questions. Your work is just to entertain my visitors and explain to them the benefits of our new product".
I nodded thoughtfully. "So, am I not going to get extra pay for this workload?".
"Of course, you will. For the organizing and our working together, I will give you one hundred thousand naira".
"Deal then".
She observed me. "I heard that your first love is Jickson bar's CEO".
I nodded. "You are right".
"What's the way forward?".

I carried the company files. "I believe our business ends here for today. See you tomorrow then". I was already at the door when I heard her call my name. I stopped and turned.
"I want you to stay away from my son totally, please". She said pleadingly.
I turned and forced a smile. "Tell him to stay away from me. I am not the problem". With that I walked towards my office and stopped short when I noticed that Raymond Donald's office door was slightly open and Rosa James was inside.

They were obviously having a hot argument.
I walked to the door to listen to their conversation.

"Oh please, just spare me that! Spare me that bullshit!". Rosa James snarled.
"Rosa, I am only giving you two weeks! If you don't end everything with that man, I bet you, I will cancel this wedding, regardless of anything!!!".
"Regardless of anything? Regardless of if I walk away from Bower bound? You think Bower bound can stand without me?".

"Have you not ever heard of the saying that no man is indispensable? You can be replaced!".
"You are talking like I am the only one at fault in this relationship! What of that mad woman that you got pregnant? She nearly put us into trouble! You caused havoc too!!!".
"Caused havoc? You cheated before I did and I was frustrated!!!".
"You even still talk to her! You went all the way to Sango Ota to get her fruits and you want me to overlook that? You took her to Jickson bar! How again can you convince me that you don't love that strange woman!!!". She snarled.
He chuckled. "I am naturally the caring type".
"You always seek her company and you care so much about her!".
"I don't care about Victory Charles!!!".
"Oh, please spare me!!!".
"Believe what you want to believe!!!".
"I know you don't love me! As much as you tried to convince me, I know you don't".
He rushed out of the office and jumped into me.
He gasped as he saw me."You were listening to our conversation?".
I shrugged. "The door was open, so I thought, your conversation was not serious".
Rosa James walked out of the office and fumed at me. "We are never going to break up whether you like it or not!".
"Break up? Your break up is definitely none of my business".
"It is! That is why you eavedropped!".
"I am sorry for eavedropping".
The receptionist walked to me. "Someone with the name, Nelson Fred wants to see you".
Raymond cleared his throat. "Tell him that we don't accept visitors during work hours".
Rosa James glared at him. "Since she is not doing anything at the moment, allow her to step outside".
Raymond ignored her and focused on the receptionist. "Tell him what I just told you".
We watched the receptionist leave.
I walked into my office. I was already very hungry.
There was a flask of food on my desk.
Raymond Donald had kept it there.
I devoured the food and rinsed the flask in the company tap at the backyard.
Raymond walked to me and collected the flask. "You didn't have to wash it".
"It is proper manners to wash the flask someone used to get you food".
He smiled and nodded. "How did it go with my mother? Does she suspect you at all?".
"She wants me to work with her so that she will stand as a great force between us. She believes that i will steal you away from Rosa James".
"I am only always meeting you because of the baby in your womb, nothing more, Victory Charles". He said convincingly.
I shrugged. "I don't care. You don't have to explain anything to me".
He nodded. "You are right". He cleared his throat. "You will be working only three times in a week from now on".
"I don't want you to have a miscarriage. Too much stress at this early stage is very dangerous. Did you go for your pre-natal yesterday?".
I shrugged. "No money".
"I will send some money to you this evening".
"Why? So that you can claim ownership of my baby?".
He chuckled. "The baby is not a bastard".
"A father that doesn't want him to inherit his properties is not his father".
"The proper rule for Bower bound company is that it can only be inherited by the legitimate child".
"Since the child in my womb is an illegitimate child, act like he doesn't exist".
After work hours, I walked out of the company and to my greatest surprise, Nelson Fred was still right there at the parking lot.
He waved and smiled. "You took your time at work".
I was surprised. "You waited here since morning?".
"Why not? It is nothing compared to what I did to you in the past". He folded a car key into my hand.
I gasped. "What is this?".
He pointed to a brand new pink hatchback parked behind us.
"You bought a car for me?". I asked breathlessly.
He went on his knees. "Victory, I am sorry about how immature I had been those times. I swear, i am different now".
Tears filled my eyes. "You didn't look for me".
"Yes, I didn't but it doesn't mean that you didn't have a place in my heart".
"A place in your heart? I needed your whole heart. I needed you to be by my side because those days were so hard for me. You left when the days were so hard for me. Coming back into my life now doesn't change anything".
He rose to his feet and searched my eyes. "I know you still love me".
"You hurt her and you think you can just come back to her life because you jumped into her again and realized that she had become very beautiful?". Raymond Donald asked as he walked into our midst.
Nelson glared at him. "Why don't you just face your upcoming engagement and stop intruding in the love life of others?".
I folded Nelson's key back into his hand. "Thanks for the car but I don't think I am interested".
He was hurt. ".... because you have not forgiven me right?".
I sobbed. "My heart hurts so much. Do you know why it hurts so much? It hurts so much that I still love the man that hurt me the most! I want to get rid of these feelings but it is just not working at all! That is why my heart hurts so much!!!".I snarled and walked to the bus station.
Raymond rushed after me. "I can take you in my car".
"The both of you should leave me alone! Face your love life and stop trying to get me into trouble!".
A bus finally stopped and I rushed in.
My heart was heavy.
I had thought I would be strong even after Nelson showed up again but it felt so hard to push him away after I had missed him so much for so long.
I wiped the tears in my eyes with the back of my palm and a little boy who was sitting beside his mother right there in the bus smiled softly at me and gave me a handkerchief.
"Thank you". I whispered gratefully and accepted it.
"My mother cried too when my little brother stressed her there". He pointed to my stomach.
I gasped. The boy was only about eight years of age, how did he know that I was pregnant when it was not even showing?
I squeezed at his cheek. "You are such a cute boy".
"The baby will be cute just like my little brother". The boy responded softly
His mother who was sitting beside him burst into laughter. "Don't mind my son. He assumes any grown woman he sees crying is pregnant".
I smiled softly at her. "He is right. I am pregnant".


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